IRD Martinique Caraïbe, and UMR ESPACE-DEV coordinated the CARIBSAT project “Caribbean Environmental Information System: from Satellite to Actor”, which ended in March 2013.
The project enabled an initial inventory of the Lesser Antilles by producing a dynamic online atlas, the creation of a hydroclimatic database, a diagnosis of the health of coral reefs, a mapping of marine habitats, mangroves, urbanization and spontaneous habitat, and finally biodiversity and its conservation (
The CARIB-COAST project enables IRD to achieve its objectives through :
- A regional scientific animation on high stakes subjects through biannual scientific committees;
- A regional scientific animation on high stakes subjects through the biannual scientific committees; – Sharing of competences thanks to the trainings that will be provided by all the actors.
- A consolidation and updating of the knowledge base on two fragile habitats: mangroves and reefs.