Sea grass

Ecosystem analysis

An analysis by satellite imagery of the state of sea grass will be undertaken by the IRD in order to evaluate the evolutions during the last decades. A regional inventory of the state of sea grass will lead to the drafting of a bibliographical synthesis bringing together the main knowledge on this ecosystem, which is unfortunately under-exploited.

Action for sea grass

Unlike coral reefs and mangroves, the restoration of sea grass is still very difficult. This is why the main actions aim to promote the protection of this habitat and the use of eco-designed moorings.

Various communication supports and actions will also be implemented during the project in order to best disseminate knowledge about the erosion mitigation and regulation services provided by seagrass beds.

Seagrass restoration pilot project (SPAW-RAC)

In 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) identified Culebra (Puerto Rico) as a critical Habitat Focus Area to address the growing challenge of coastal and marine habitat loss by integrating habitat conservation projects. High sediment loads threaten Culebra’s nearshore coastal habitats, and the source of the vast [...]
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