hydrodynamics knowledge

Observation and modelling of coastal hydrodynamics


Knowledge assessment

This component, operated by IRD, IFREMER and BRGM, aims to assess and provide feedback on general knowledge, observation networks and hydrodynamic modelling platforms in the Caribbean zone and for the different members of the network.

The Caribbean has historically been the subject of great interest by the scientific community in understanding physical ocean phenomena and determining coastal hazards. There is an extensive literature on hydrodynamics, hydrogeology, morphodynamics, coastline evolution and meteorological conditions. There are also studies on coastal flooding/water levels at the coast caused by cyclones and tsunamis following deterministic or probabilistic approaches. On the other hand, many of the data acquired during past measurement campaigns are now available on several internet platforms. This includes meteorological and bathymetric data, as well as tide gauge and oceanographic data at local and regional scales.

The report on the state of knowledge on hydrodynamics in the Caribbean (downloadable from the website), is presented as a comprehensive list of published research, existing meteorological and oceanic databases and numerical models available in the Caribbean region, with a particular focus on the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique. The report is accompanied by a file (Database_CaribCoast_v1.0.xlsx) that details the main characteristics and conditions of use of the datasets presented in the note.

Assessing additional needs

It will also seek to identify additional needs for in situ data acquisition and numerical modeling